Eva's Edict: Purge a Pile to Donate
In the spirit of the season, as they say: "It's Better To Give, Than To Receive"...
...let's do an Eva's Edict 5 Minutes: Purge a Pile to Donate.
Go ahead and choose from one of the following categories:
- Clothes
- Books
- Toys
- Food (see previous post on Pantry Purge)
- Other - your choice
Am I hearing choruses of , "...but I have no time, especially this time of year!"?
I say: Give it a try, 5 minutes at a time!
Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Have on hand: Trash Bag and Donate Bag.
2. Do one area at a time (or one section, or one shelf).
Start with the easiest area to get to right now, and clear off one section. Then STOP for today and get on with the rest of your day.
3. Keep going, 5 minutes at a time, ONLY if you have the time and energy to continue today. Otherwise, it's ok to stop where you are and pick it up the next time. We want to avoid burn-out or creating a bigger mess that we're too tired to clean up.
4. Keep in mind SAFETY.
Ask for assistance if a shelf is too high or too low to reach, or if items are too heavy to carry out. Get an organizing partner to help (family member, friend, your friendly local Professional Organizer, etc.)
5. Follow through with your donation.
Bring the donation bag directly to your car (even if it's only half-full) and drop off as soon as possible. Or contact the non-profit organization for pick up. Another option is to give away through your local Freecycle.org. If you need more ideas of where to donate, you can contact me.
Release, release, release! Let it go to a new home.
Let me know how you do! Leave a comment below or Contact Me or send me a Tweet on Twitter.
Helping you Sort Things Out, one step at a time!
Eva Abreu, www.Sort-Things-Out.com
Follow me on Twitter!
Labels: Declutter, Donation, Eva Abreu, Eva's Edict; Sort Things Out, NJ Professional Organizer, organize