January is Get Organized Month!
Welcome to the New Year!
Let's Make it a Fun Time in Two-Thousand-and-Nine!
And kicking it off in January is Get Organized Month
Can organizing be fun? Sure it can!
There's lots of neat stuff planned for this month to help keep you motivated and primed to do some serious and not-so-serious organizing, such as...
A new desk calendar, Eva's Edict 5 Minutes Organizing Calendar, memo cube style, tear off one-page-per-day.
Shipping mid-January, just in time when folks start hitting a plateau and begin to lose their momentum from the first of the year. Here's a much needed shot of daily motivation to help carry you forward for the rest of the year.
Workshops & Events
A preview of my local workshops and classes in January & February on the topic of De-Cluttering and Organizing can be found HERE.
...plus more! videos, podcasts, and teleconferences are also in the works.
(Contact Me for more info)
Need help getting organized, like, RIGHT NOW?
Now accepting limited number of Private Clients.
Maybe a workshop isn't your thing; maybe you need more one-on-one attention. As one of my exclusive Private Clients, I'll work together with you by phone/text/email to personally create a custom plan to fit into your crazy life, and throw in that extra edge of accountability to keep you on track. Contact me for a Free Trial 15 Minute Private Client Session
Follow me on Twitter
For fun discussions and daily Eva's Edict "Purge A Pile" assignments, find me on Twitter @Eva_Abreu. If you don't know what Twitter is, it's a micro-blogging / social networking site, that's quick, easy and right to the point, kind of like instant messaging or texting. Don't worry, I'll help you through it if you don't get the hang of it right away!
Ready to Release? Tell me about it and let me know how I can help you Sort Things Out, one step at a time!
Photo credits: Print Perfect Clip Art Deluxe, copyright 2005 Cosmi Corporation, and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Labels: Eva Abreu, Eva's Edict; NJ Professional Organizer, Get Organized Month, Twitter