Wednesday, June 27, 2007


June is typically not a month known for any major holidays, but it seems to be one of the most busiest times of the year for many people.

End of school, graduations, marriages, remodeling, home sales, relocations, etc. we hear about these things happening frequently in the month of June. Many of these events are happy and joyful milestones in our lives, but what we tend not to talk about openly is the stress factor involved in these life changes.

With major changes in our lives, we have a disruption in our routines, our schedules, our emotions, and even our physical locations (such as during a move). Even though it may have been our choice and desire to make these changes, it ends up being a hectic, stressful, out-of-control time period.

I'm going through this myself with the transition of my kids being out of school and having to set up a new summer schedule and routine for all of us. I find some things are easy and fun to plan out such as planning for vacations and day trips, while it's a struggle to try to keep up with my regular workload for business, now that we're in the "summer fun" mode.

In fact, many of you who are going through your own ch-ch-ch-changes (as taken from the David Bowie song) right now, probably aren't reading this posting because you're so busy! If you are taking a moment to read, thank you for taking a break and spending a few minutes with us here! Feel free to leave a comment on what you are going through right now and know that it's ok to feel out of sorts during this transition time.

If you're not going through a June transition but might know of someone who is, try to be understanding if that person is not his or her usual self, or more stressed out than usual. In fact, if you can, offer to give some extra help or moral support or a shoulder to lean on.

Here are some tips to help ease the stress during this time of change:

1. Ask for assistance.
It's ok to ask for some help, give yourself permission to do so. Most people are more than happy to lend a hand and if they themselves are not available or can't do it, they'll let you know. I'm always endorsing to find an organizing buddy, so this is an extension of that idea.

2. Try to establish a sense of routine as soon as you can.
Even if it's for a short period of time each day, try to stick to a similar time schedule or maintain a daily habit for yourself in your new situation. For example, I found myself feeling like I was going around in circles and not getting anything accomplished during the day because my kids were home with me for the summer now. But, we've started to go back to a morning routine similar to the schedule we had for when classes are in session. The kids seem to like the sense of order and to know what is expected of them. For me, I gain a sense of control back especially in the morning, which sets the tone for the rest of the day.

3. Allow yourself some mini-rewards.
Take a moment to allow for some relaxation time and give yourself permission to de-stress. Try to think of a mini-reward that would be a special, yet simple treat. Sit down for a few minutes to read a magazine or a summer novel, start a gratitude journal, do some deep breathing exercises or meditation, yoga or prayer, indulge your senses in aromatherapy, nibble on some dark chocolate, treat yourself to summer fresh fruit or veggies, take an italian ice or sorbet break, etc.

To help someone going through a June transition, try to think of offering a treat to help them through the stressful times, something quick, relaxing, enjoyable (and healthy too!). Maybe offer a coffee or tea break and try a different flavor than usual, or take a quick 5 minute walk outside together, or offer a hand massage, do some stretches, or dig up a favorite CD and start dancing, or call up another mutual friend you've been meaning to get back in touch with, or send a encouraging email or letter, or suggest to visit with an elderly neighbor who might appreciate the company. Feel free to leave a comment with your own ideas of a mini-reward.

Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, and take it easy as you go through your changes!

Feel free to contact me if I can be helpful in any way.

Til next time...

Helping you to Sort Things Out, one step at a time!


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Monday, June 18, 2007

New! Sort Things Out Talk Radio

Through the power of the Internet, I'm pleased to announce my new podcast, Sort Things Out Talk Radio!

Available on my website for now at, we'll be distributing it to various podcast directories and make it available for download in the very near future.

The first show is now available, which is the first of a three-part series on "De-cluttering and Organizing, How to Get Started". Part 2 & 3 will be available shortly.

In this first installment, I talk about how to turn your negative feelings into positive motivation. It's a shift in mind-set and I encourage listeners to let this positive motivation be your focus from now on. But, it's going to take more than just this one piece of advice to truly make a difference in getting started on your organizing project. We'll discuss more ways to help you on the road to getting organized.

If you have other topics that you'd like me to address or discuss on future programs, feel free to leave a comment or send an email to: info (at) sort-things-out (dot) com.

We'll help you to Sort Things Out, one step at a time!

'Til next time,

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