Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holiday Stress - Take a "Time Out"

Feel like you're going crazy trying to get everything done on your list?

I'm going to suggest something that may sound like the complete opposite of getting organized...

STOP. Forget about "The List" for now. Forget about getting all the shopping done by a certain date. Forget about finding that "perfect" present.

Time to take a TIME OUT... and take care of yourself.

One key part of being organized is... finding peace.

So, do something special for yourself today. (If anyone asks, send them to me).

ASSIGNMENT: (10 minutes)
Make time for you... and only you.

Start drafting that business plan that's been swimming around in your head, indulge in a chocolate truffle, put on a CD that you love and haven't heard in a while, write a journal entry, do aromatherapy, pamper your feet with lotion, or anything else that DOESN'T have anything to do with the holidays.

Please share with us and leave a comment about what you did for your "Time Out".

Helping you to Sort Things Out, one step at a time...

Til next time...


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