Friday, October 31, 2008

Eva's Edict: End of Month Paper Purge!

It's the end of the month again... Let's roll out another one of Eva's Edict!

Want to be in the game? GREAT! I'll post your story in my next blog.

OK, let's GO!

Today, I'd like you to choose ONE area of paperwork to focus on, to Clean Out, Clear Out, Close Out.

Even though you might have piles of papers all around you, we're going to ZOOM in and focus on ONE thing to work on.

We want to make the most use of your time, and avoid the "bumblebee" syndrome (touching on many different piles in the house, but not getting anything accomplished).

I'd like to see you make some progress, so pick ONE area today.

What'll it be? Your choice:

- Accounting (update your bookkeeping)

- Bills (sort, pay, file)

- Mail (sort, recycle)

- Old Paperwork / Mystery Pile (start at the top, recycle, shred)

- Receipts (clear out your wallet, purse, day planner)

- Your Choice (let me know what you're working on!)

Set your timer for 5 minutes to start, then add on extra time, as you have available today.


The main thing is: to get started, start doing SOMETHING rather than nothing and to begin to Sort Things Out, one step at a time!

Ask for help if you need it (family member, friend, assistant, your friendly neighborhood Professional Organizer!).

You can always call me for moral support and extra guidance, Toll-free (U.S.) 1-877-708-0884. I'm here to help!

Contact me or leave a Comment below after you've done Eva's Edict: End-of-Month Paper Purge and I'll feature your story here!

Good luck, RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE that paper, and let me know how you made out.

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Photo by Ian Britton,

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At 7:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

So funny you did this post today! I started yesterday, took 10 minutes to go through PILES of junk mail & sorted for BURN (have woodstove access) and toss and keep. GREAT feeling of release plus clearing of clutter. Why are we killing all these trees??? I'm going a step further by emailing some junk mail senders and requesting to be removed from the list, will let you know how that works out, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... Have a productive weekend!


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